The Unraveling of a Pest Infestation

There is a wide range of pests that can infest a home or business. A few vermin are attracted to an area due to sustenance, while others seem dependent on occasional changes. For example, cockroaches are drawn to a location-based on their ability to find food. Another pest that is attracted by food is the wasp. Fleas, on the other hand, are more of a geographic and seasonal pest. They emerge in spring and begin to infest homes and businesses as they look for food. The difference is that fleas, which thankfully do not fly, are locked into a location and only are able to change their location based on hitchhiking on an animal.

Food Driven Pest

Technically, All pests are driven by food, but some more than others. Cockroaches and wasps, as mentioned above are two prime examples of insects that congregate where food is prevalent. Other pests such as flies are also drawn in by the prospect of a meal. Even larger pests such as wildlife – raccoons, skunks, and possum – are all food driven. Snakes, too, and the summer is a prime time for snakes to appear in yards.

On average, a snake hunts within about a five-mile radius. Often times, snakes spotted in a yard are “just passing through”. However, snakes may linger if the prospect of food is high. Rats, mice, gophers, moles, birds, and other small critters are all food for snakes. These are also common pests around most homes.

If your yard is a virtual buffet of food, your odds of being invaded by pests is high.

Housing for Pests

Sometimes the reason a pest invades a home or business is because they are looking for a secure place to live. Mostly, India repair service this behavior revolves around the birthing and raising of young. Examples of pests that need a secure place to birth babies include raccoons, possum, and skunks. Another mammal that can be a pest is the bat.

Bats have very specific housing needs and will take up residence by the hundreds and thousands if there is space. Warm attics are prime locations and if there is access, bats will happily move into your attic or wall space.

Another factor that impacts pest and housing is the weather. Mice and rodents are more likely to move in with you as winter approaches. They need a place that is secure to stash food, build a nest, and begin to have babies.

All of these factors Add up to Pest Infestations

There are many things that you can do to prevent pest infestations. One is to reduce the amount of available food for a given pest. For snake control, make sure that you have an active rodent control system in place. Keeping your home clean and the floors swept is an easy way to deter cockroach infestations. Making sure that pests cannot easily access your home is another way to prevent pest infestations. Checking your soffit vents is one way to stop bats from getting in your attic.

To learn more about pest prevention to remove a pest population that is pestering your home or business, just give us a call. Our experts are happy to answer your questions or schedule a pest service inspection. We provide comprehensive pest control services throughout the greater All India.


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